Field Researcher (Male)_Herat
Country Afghanistan Province Herat,
Categories Research, Type Full Time
Post Date 2022-03-01 Close Date 2022-03-15
Vacancy No 015/2022 Gender Male
No Of Jobs 3 Contract Duration 1 Month
Education Bachelor degree Experience 2
Organization Opportunities for you Salary

About Company

About Integrity Watch Afghanistan: Integrity Watch is an Afghan civil society organization committed to increasing transparency, accountability, and integrity in Afghanistan. Integrity Watch was created in October 2005 and established itself as an independent civil society organization in 2006. The head office of Integrity Watch is in Kabul with provincial programmatic outreach in Balkh, Herat, Kabul, Kapisa, and Nangarhar Provinces of Afghanistan. Integrity Watch also works in several other provinces through its local partners. Over the last decade, Integrity Watch’s work has focused on three major components: (1) Community Monitoring, (2) Research, and (3) Advocacy. Ever since its establishment, Integrity Watch has tried to encourage active citizenship and community mobilization through its programs. Our community monitoring work has included the development of community monitoring tools, mobilizing, and training communities to monitor public services, education and health, as well as construction projects. So far, more than 2308 public services sites have been monitored by 4844 volunteers. Our current research work is focused on the health and education sector as well as aid effectiveness. The objective is to develop new, ground-breaking empirical research in order to set the agenda, influence decision-makers, and bring to the public attention non-documented and non-explored issues. The aim of our advocacy work has been to enhance Integrity Watch’s pioneering role in advocating for knowledge-based decision-making and informed public debate on governance and integrity issues. Our advocacy work includes the facilitation of policy dialogue on issues related to integrity, transparency, and accountability. We have engaged in policy advocacy for issues that communities experience on a day-to-day basis while trying to hold the government and service providers accountable. Our current thematic focus is on aid effectiveness, the education and health sectors as well as broader governance issues. Overall, Integrity Watch has proven itself throughout the years as the lead anti-corruption organization both at the local and the national level. In addition, Integrity Watch has also earned international recognition and has contributed to the global fight against corruption through knowledge sharing and joining coalitions working on global integrity and anti-corruption agendas.

Job Description

The field researcher is responsible to conduct research with different beneficiaries of aid and those involved in raising fund and its distribution. In coordination with the research team, under the supervision of the research team to identify research participants, research plan, data collection tools, conduct and translate and transcribe all interviews and site visit reports. The field researcher should deliver the research in an ethical and timely manner. The key role of the field researcher is to act independently in identifying research interviewees, set up interview sessions and conduct interviews.

Three male applicants will be selected for the Herat/Farah provinces.

Duties & Responsibilities:

  • Conduct Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) with communities and officials based on the best practices of Focus Groups Discussion;
  • Conduct Interviews with officials, NGOs staff, local representatives, and other relevant stakeholders based on the best practices of Key Informant Interview (KII);
  • Conduct Observations on the governance and community behaviours;
  • Conduct Surveys using software applications such as Cape and other data collection tools;
  • Transcript and translate the data collected from the field in audio or written forms;
  • Clean up data collected from the field based on the research standards;
  • Collect and write daily field reports;
  • Develop plan of action, and manage to completion – the project goal;
  • Travel to the cities and districts of Herat/Farah provinces;
  • Perform any other task as assigned by the management.

Job Requirement

  • University degree in social and political science or other relevant fields;
  • Minimum 2 years of research experience;
  • Solid understanding of qualitative and quantitative research methodology;
  • Substantial experience in conducting different type of interviews and/or survey;
  • Ability to work autonomously but in direct cooperation with the team, and in a multi-cultural work environment;
  • Preferably experience of working closely with the communities specially the Citizen Charter Afghanistan Programme;
  • Excellent speaking skills and ability to conceptualize and build arguments;
  • Good representation and communication skills, and ability to correctly present the aims of the project;
  • Proven interest in issues of justice, integrity and anti-corruptions in governance in Afghanistan;

Submission Guideline

Please apply by sending a CV and a cover letter that outlines how your experience and education relate to the skills and experience outlined in the Terms of Reference to:
In the e-mail subject line please write “Field Researcher (Male) _Herat_ Your Name”.

The deadline for application is March 15, 2022. However, interviews of suitable candidates may begin. Three male candidates will be selected for this position.

Submission Email