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Accountability Supervisor
Country Afghanistan Province Nangarhar,
Categories Monitoring and Evaluation, Type Full Time
Post Date 2021-06-10 Close Date 2021-06-20
Vacancy No PU-AMI/HR/JAL/001340 Gender Female
No Of Jobs 1 Contract Duration 6 months extendable
Education Degree or Diploma in Sociology, Psychology or any other social science discipline Experience 1 year similar experience with NGOs
Organization Temp Business Salary As per the Organization salary scale

About Company

About PU-AMI: About Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) PU-AMI (known globally as Première Urgence Internationale, PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. PU-AMI’s teams are committed to support vulnerable communities and populations, those marginalized, hit by conflict, natural disaster or economic downturns. PU-AMI’s main objective is to contribute to reduction in morbidity and mortality, and provide emergency relief to those in immediate need in order to help them regain their dignity. Afghan mission is the oldest of PUI missions, with the first medical intervention launched in 1979 just after the Soviet troops crossed the country’s borders. PU-AMI teams currently deliver the integrated health care, combined with nutrition, psychosocial support; water, sanitation and hygiene (wash), as well as trauma services. The organization implements projects mainly in eastern parts of the country, and increasingly in the South-East Region. Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, PU-AMI has also positioned itself as one of the main actors in preparedness and response to the pandemic, implementing health and wash-cantered activities at health facilities and community level in Kabul and beyond. Globally, PUI provides assistance to around 6 million people in 23 countries and across 5 continents: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and Europe. PU-AMI (که در سطح جهان به نام PUI پی یو آی شناخته میشود) یک اداره غیردولتی، غیرانتفاعی، غیرسیاسی و غیر مذهبی مدد رسان بین ا لمللی میباشد. تیم های PU-AMI متعهد به حمایت و کمک جوامع و جمعیت های آسیب پذیر به انهاییکه در اإثر منازعات- حوادث طبیعی و رکود اقتصادی منزوی شده اند میباشد. هدف عمده PU-AMI کمک در کاهش مرگ و میر -کمک عاجل به اعاده و بازیابی حیثیت ووقار انهاییکه در نیاز فوری قرار دارند میباشد. ماموریت افغانستان قدیمی ترین مآموریت (PUI) پی یو آی بوده و با اولین مداخله در بخش صحی در سال1979 فقط درست بعد از عبور نیروهای شوروی از مرز های کشور آغاز شد. تیم های PU-AMI در حال حاضر مراقبت های صحی ادغام یافته همراه با تغذیه حمایت روانی اجتماعی-آب-نظافت و حفظ ا لصحه wash و خدمات تردیدات یا تروما را ارایه میدارد. این اداره عمدتآ پروژه ها را در بخش شرقی کشور و بطور فزاینده در مناطق جنوب شرقی کشور از زمان شیوع COVID-19 در 2020 تطبیق مینماید . PU-AMI همچنین منحیث بازیگر اصلی در آمادگی و پاسخ به بیماری همه گیر – اجرای فعالیت های صحی و wash در سطح مراکز صحی و جامعه در کابل و فراتر از آن موقعیت خود را تثبیت نموده است. در سطح جهان موسسه PUIدر 23 مملکت جهان به 6 میلیون نفر در 5 قاره افریقا- آسیا- شرق میانه- امریکای لاتین و اروپا کمک مینماید

Job Description

Responsibilities and particular assignments

General responsibilitiesمسؤلیت های عمومی :

The accountability supervisor closely works with communities to inform them about PU-AMI’s activities and services, to foster their participation in PU-AMI’s projects and to collect and ensure effective and timely management of their feedback. Under the supervision of the accountability officer, the accountability supervisor is in charge of the development and management of PU-AMI’s accountability systems in the eastern region and should also actively contribute to their dissemination and/or improvement if requested.

Objective 1هدف اول : Implementation of accountability activities

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: Manage PU-AMI’s complaints and feedback mechanisms

Ensure effective development and management of PU-AMI’s feedback mechanisms through the regular collection of communities’ feedback and their proper registration in PU-AMI’s dedicated system.
Maintain confidential and detailed records of all feedback registered.
In collaboration with the accountability officer and concerned departments, ensure close follow-up of all the feedback received, to make sure that they effectively and timely analyzed and addressed.
Treat urgent and/or sensitive feedback with the immediate attention they require and ensure a fast resolution.
In collaboration with the accountability officer, liaise with community leaders and external stakeholders, to support the resolution of feedback if necessary.
Compile data, prepare and submit regular comprehensive and detailed activity reports.
When relevant, suggest new tools to collect feedback and reinforce the relevance of PU-AMI complaints and feedback mechanisms.
Upon request from your line manager, conduct field investigation and cross-check information received.

Objective 2هدف دوم: Promotion of complaints and feedback mechanisms

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: Inform and raise awareness about PU-AMI’s feedback mechanisms


Design relevant IEC (information, education and communication) tools to advertise PU-AMI’s feedback mechanisms.
Implement accountability and CFM awareness raising and promotion activities to sensitize communities, local authorities and external stakeholders in PU-AMI’s areas of implementation and ensure that complaints and feedback mechanisms are known by communities in areas of intervention.
When relevant, suggest new ways to advertise PU-AMI’s feedback mechanisms.

Objective 3هدف سوم : Communication

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: Ensure clear communication with communities, within PU-AMI and with external stakeholders.

Inform communities about their rights to be consulted and provide feedback to PU-AMI on its activities and explain them why and how to use PU-AMI’s feedback mechanisms.
Communicate and disseminate feedback handling procedures, policies and tools to beneficiaries, project staff and other stakeholders.
Ensure constant and adequate communication with your manager and your colleagues.
Participate in department coordination meeting and any other meetings related to humanitarian accountability if needed.

The tasks and responsibilities defined in this job description are non-exhaustive and can evolve depending on the project’s needs.

Job Requirement


Education Background: Degree or Diploma in Sociology, Psychology or any other social science discipline

Work Experience: At least one year similar experience with NGOs/working with communities

Knowledge and skills:

Interest in working in humanitarian sector and good understanding of humanitarian principles
Observation, active listening and analysis skills
Strong interpersonal skills and ability to interact with diverse people
Strong organization skills and attention to details
Good communication and reporting skills
Very good team spirit! Ability to work within a team.
Willingness to improve own knowledge and skills by actively participating in any training sessions and capacity building activities and willingness to share experience and build capacities of a team.
Willingness to look beyond his/her job description and cooperate with all departments
Ability to deal with stress and tight deadlines
Experience/training in protection will be an asset
Experience working in the eastern region

Languages: Fluency in written and spoken Pashto, Dari and English

Computer skills: Strong knowledge of MS office software (including Word, Excel, Power Point and Outlook) and understanding of data analysis software (Kobo Humanitarian Tool box)

Experience from working in complex and volatile contexts (field experience)

Submission Guideline

Please note, while sending your C.V & Cover letter mention the vacancy number and position in the subject line of your email, application received after the closing date and without subject line will not be taken in consideration.

The interested candidates have to submit their soft copies of application & C.Vs only by email & there is no need of educational and other documents to attach.

Submission  Email: afg.recruitment@pu-ami.org

Note: Only short listed candidates whose application responds to the above criteria will be contacted & local applicants from the same province are encouraged to apply and will be given priority.

Submission Email