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Hygiene Promoter
Country Afghanistan Province Herat,
Categories Other, Type Full Time
Post Date 2024-08-27 Close Date 2024-09-05
Vacancy No #105 Gender male female
No Of Jobs 2 Contract Duration Based on project duration
Education Medical institutes or Minimum High School educational qualification. preferably bachelor’s in healthcare relevant fields; Higher studies in healthcare study field is a plus point Experience At least two years of experience in the area of Hygiene promotion and WASH program
Organization Opportunities for you Salary NCA Salary Scale

About Company

About NCA: NCA is one of the largest aid organisations in the Nordic region. We have 21 country offices in Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East, including four joint country offices and other partner organisations. Our mandate is to save lives and seek justice. We do this by working with long-term development programmes, humanitarian interventions and advocacy towards decision-makers to address the root causes of injustice, poverty and power imbalance. Most of our work is undertaken in close cooperation with local civil society partners and a wide range of other NGOs. NCA works with Afghan non-government organisations and has operational areas in around 17 provinces of the country with thematic areas of Climate Resilient WASH, Climate Smart Economic Empowerment, Social Cohesion, and Humanitarian response.

Job Description

Job Summary: 

The key role of a hygiene promoter in a project is to promote health and hygiene awareness among the communities where the project is implemented. The hygiene promoter plays a crucial role in conveying knowledge and awareness about health and hygiene practices to different groups within the community. By utilizing effective tools and strategies, the hygiene promoter aims to promote good hygienic practices and ensure the sustainable maintenance of the assets created as a result of the project implementation.
The hygiene promoter acts as a facilitator and educator, engaging with community members to raise awareness about the importance of proper hygiene practices for maintaining good health. He/She will conduct training sessions, workshops, and awareness campaigns to disseminate information on topics such as handwashing, sanitation, safe water practices, and disease prevention. 

Main tasks and responsibilities for this position:

  • Play key inputs role in design of Social Behaviour Change (SBC) activities for health and hygiene promotion.
  • Play key role in design and development of SBC and hygiene promotion advocacy material such as banners, flipcharts, broachers, leaflets, training manuals and training presentations.
  • Develop hygiene promotion activities schedule in close coordination with humanitarian coordinator.
  • Preparing the plan of hygiene kits distribution to the targeted families.
  • Managing the hygiene kits distribution event in close coordination with the Humanitarian coordinator and other key stakeholders.
  • Play a key role in conflict resolution among the different elements involved in project implementation.
  • Conduct baseline (Pre-KAP and Post-KAP) assessment using KoBo or ODK devices.
  • Organize health and hygiene promotion awareness sessions for different age and gender groups of the community members.
  • Organize printing, using and distribution of hygiene promotion advocacy material during hygiene promotion activities.
  • Play key role in implementation of SBC activities related to health and hygiene promotion.
  • In case of need organize ToT for newly joining hygiene promoters.
  • Sharing project related information and distribution of advocacy material during the hygiene promotion events.
  • Any other official task assigned by the humanitarian coordinator.


  • Conducting field visits and observations: Hygiene promoters should visit project sites and communities to observe firsthand the hygiene practices of individuals, the condition of sanitation facilities, and the availability of clean water sources.
  • Collecting data and feedback: Hygiene promoters are responsible for collecting data on key hygiene indicators, such as handwashing rates, toilet usage, and knowledge of hygiene practices. They should also gather feedback from community members on the effectiveness of hygiene promotion activities.
  • Reporting and documentation: Hygiene promoters need to document their monitoring findings, including successes, challenges, and areas for improvement. They should prepare regular reports to share with humanitarian program coordinator.
  • Providing feedback and recommendations.
  • Reporting and Communication:

    • The Hygiene promoter will report the hygiene promotion activities on weekly basses and ensure that information, data, challenges and lesson learns reflected in the reports.
    • Hygiene promoters will communicate the findings of their reports to relevant stakeholders, such as program coordinator, WAHS cluster and funding agencies. He/She may also share success stories and best practices to promote learning and replication of effective hygiene promotion strategies.
    • Hygiene promoters maintain accurate records of their activities, including data collection tools, reports, right holder’s lists and communication with stakeholders.

Job Requirement

  • Medical institutes or Minimum High School educational qualification.  preferably bachelor’s in healthcare relevant fields; Higher studies in healthcare study field is a plus point.
  • At least Two years of experience in the area of Hygiene promotion and WASH program.
  • Can effectively communicate in English and local language.
  • Excellent written and verbal communications and interpersonal skills
  • To be familiar with training planning and delivery skills involves the ability to plan, organize, and deliver training programs in a way that is engaging, informative, and impactful for the participant. 
  • Designing training programs that are engaging, interactive, and tailored to the learning styles and preferences of the participants.
  • Good report writing skills and verbal communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines.
  • Good time management and organisational skills
  • Willing to travel to project areas
  • Development oriented

Submission Guideline

All qualified candidates are requested to open the given link and follow the instructions:

Applications will only be accepted via the following link:


Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply

NCA does not charge or have any registered agents for job application or any form of paid priority listing. Application through the supplied web link is completely free.

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