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Social Organizer
Country Afghanistan Province Balkh,
Categories Program, Type Full Time
Post Date 2021-07-28 Close Date 2021-08-12
Vacancy No 057/021/HR/WEE-RDP Gender Female
No Of Jobs 6 Contract Duration One Year with possibility of extension
Education Required qualification: High School certificate, with 3 years of related experiences. Bachelor deg Experience Working experience of promoting similar groups or
Organization Opportunities for you Salary As per NTA Salary/DBSP

About Company

About WEE-RDP/MoWA: The Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA) was established in 2001 under the Bonn Agreement. Until the third quarter of fiscal year 2020, as a government institution for advocacy and coordination, it was dedicated to plan, implement, and monitor programs within its strategic plan and national and international commitments. With the support of the leadership from the GoIRA, other governmental institutions, and non-governmental organizations, particularly, in the past five years, according to its “activities procedure”, it becomes a policy-making ministry and have brought significant changes in the life of Afghan women. With the changes in the leadership of the ministry in 2020 and the commitment of the president of the GoIRA, it became an executive institution in addition to policy making. The initial steps to improve the quality and effectively address women's issues taken to improve its plans and organizational structure through evaluation and consultation with women, domestic and foreign elites considering social, economic, cultural, financial and political aspects. Based on the consultations, a Deputy for Women Economic Empowerment was established in the structure of the Ministry of Women Affairs. Objectives of the Ministry The goal(s) of the Ministry of Women's Affairs (MoWA) are effectiveness and quality in all national and local programs, empowerment of women at national level through, participation, coordination, and evaluation for balanced and effective development with national values. Women Economic Empowerment-Rural Development Project (WEE-RDP) is a flagship national initiative of the GoIRA and part of the Sustainable Economy Growth pillar of MOWA, which intends to increase social and economic empowerment of rural poor women in selected communities during a five-year project. It would work in 5000 villages in all 34 provinces across Afghanistan in close collaboration with Citizen Charter (CC) and assuring convergence with other MoWA projects, NHLP project of MAIL, Access to Finance project (TUP) of World Bank, etc. The project will work closely work with Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs) and other stakeholders from financial sector to promote access to finance in selected rural areas

Job Description

  • The SOs will be responsible for executing CMID activities in CDCs allocated for promoting socially and institutionally sustainable Self Help Groups and VSLAs in his/her project areas and mentor VFs. Specific tasks as stated as below.
  • Facilitate VFs selection in coordination of CDCs; District office and regional office;
  • Develop capacity of VFs, act as a catalyst to organize necessary workshops, trainings and exposure visits, provide regular handholding and planning support to VFs; so that VFs can facilitate and can act as sounding board for Self Help Groups and VSLA in effective enabling manner.
  • Identifying potential CDCs for CMID activities, develop village profiles, meeting with potential resource person(s) in the areas, identify potential target families
  • Undertake community mobilization towards self-help groups formation and subsequently promoting EGs & VSLAs in his/her allocated CDCs.
  • Formation of Self-help groups of interested members, help SHGs to develop and follow SHGs norms.
  • Helping groups to select office bearers/groups leaders, develop clarity of roles of SHGs and facilitators.
  • Organize and or conduct SHG capacity enhancement trainings, workshops and exposure visits, conduct SHG assessments, extend necessary support along with VFs to deal with identified capacity gaps, 
  • Facilitating SHGs to access revolving seed capital i.e. identify matured SHGs through SHG maturity assessment tool, develop credit investment plans, generate applications, following the due process described in the operation manual etc; disburse revolving seed capital as per plan, monitor repayments and on lending of revolving seed capital.
  • Facilitating SHGs, its leadership towards formation of VSLAs, Nurturing VSLAs, and instituting system of information flow from SHGs to VSLA and vice versa in collaboration of District Officer.
  • Extending required support to develop various institutional and financial systems at the level of VSLAs, nurture and organize and or conduct trainings, workshops, and exposures to build capacity of VSLAs
  • Providing training and awareness around financial literacy; livelihoods counselling and other livelihoods investment support services.   
  • Facilitating VSLAs for accessing finance, revolving seed capital and monitoring repayments
  • Collecting and compiling information/data regarding CDCs, SHGs, and VSLAs and providing data to the MIS. Sharing/presenting MIS reports to related SHGs, and VSLAs and helping these groups to deal with discrepancy if any and taking required decisions.
  • Identify community/Groups, related issues/problems and conflicts and accordingly resolve them with coordination of respective authorities/community leaders;
  • Prepare plans and reports for progress in his/her project area to be submitted to the provincial office on weekly/fortnightly and monthly basis;
  • Keep himself/herself updated with latest development in the sector and keep informed team, drawing external and in house/internal knowledge & experience, documenting it and integrating into the program to build it further
  • Mobilize convergence and benefits from other Government or donor supported programs.
  • Attend workshops and trainings arranged by the program in or outside the province.
  • All other duties and tasks as assigned by the supervisor

Job Requirement

  • Working experience of promoting similar groups or executing similar community development projects, will be preferable
  • Knowledge of rural enterprise development, and or, building village level savings and credit associations in Afghanistan would be an advantage;
  • Experience in information gathering, analysis, and reporting.
  • Women candidates with equal knowledge, experience and capabilities will be preferred.


  • Required qualification: High School certificate, with 3 years of related experiences. Bachelor degree from a recognized university is preferred.
  • Excellent communication skills to engage communities and develop the required level of trust to effectively implement project activities;
  • Willing to undertake extensive field work and someone, who enjoys engaging rural community in productive discussions and dialogue
  • Fluency in written and spoken Pashto, Dari.


  • Ability to undertake various participatory exercise with rural community like social mapping, resource mapping and wealth ranking etc. will be preferred.
  • Strong team building, interpersonal and negotiation abilities including the ability to address sensitive issues with diplomacy, respect, and tact;
  • Ability to build positive and productive working relationships with communities;
  • Ability to handle multi-task, be flexible, and perform in a demanding field based working environment;
  • Willingness to enhance knowledge through training and personal initiative

Submission Guideline

Interested Afghans with the required qualifications and experience should submit their applications electronically through in to vacancies@weerdp-mowa.gov.af and CC :mowa.r.hrd@gmail.com

While submitting your applications please mention the Title of the position plus Vacancy Number in the subject of the e-mail; please do NOT submit any other supporting documentation or educational certificates with your application. If you are short listed you will be asked to submit electronic copies of your educational certificates and if you are invited to written test you will be required to present the original certificates. Applications will not be accepted after the closing date of the position. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for written test Note: In the interests of open and fair competition and a merit based selection process applicants are advised that lobbying for a position , whether by the applicant or by any person acting on his or her behalf, shall result in the immediate disqualification of the candidate from further consideration. Applicants are strongly advised to inform potential supporters of this restriction which shall be strictly enforced.


Please don’t forget to type the Vacancy Announcement Number & District (057/021/HR/WEE-RDP/MoWA) in Subject while applying online. Application without vacancy number will not be accepted.

The Ministry of Women’s Affairs of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan is highly committed to increase women’s participation in government sector therefore women are highly encouraged to apply.

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