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On Call Guard
Country Afghanistan Province Nangarhar,
Categories Security, Type Full Time
Post Date 2024-05-20 Close Date 2024-05-25
Vacancy No PU-AMI/HR/JAL/002339 Gender Male
No Of Jobs 1 Contract Duration 12 Months (Extendable)
Education At least basic education, graduates from 12 grade are preferred Experience At least 1-2 years working experience in relevant field, preferably experience of work with an NGO
Organization Opportunities for you Salary As per the Organization salary scale

About Company

About PU-AMI: About Première Urgence - Aide Médicale Internationale (PU-AMI) PU-AMI (known globally as Première Urgence Internationale, PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious international aid organization. PU-AMI’s teams are committed to support vulnerable communities and populations, those marginalized, hit by conflict, natural disaster or economic downturns. PU-AMI’s main objective is to contribute to reduction in morbidity and mortality, and provide emergency relief to those in immediate need in order to help them regain their dignity. Afghan mission is the oldest of PUI missions, with the first medical intervention launched in 1979 just after the Soviet troops crossed the country’s borders. PU-AMI teams currently deliver the integrated health care, combined with nutrition, psychosocial support; water, sanitation and hygiene (wash), as well as trauma services. The organization implements projects mainly in eastern parts of the country, and increasingly in the South-East Region. Since the COVID-19 outbreak in 2020, PU-AMI has also positioned itself as one of the main actors in preparedness and response to the pandemic, implementing health and wash-cantered activities at health facilities and community level in Kabul and beyond. Globally, PUI provides assistance to around 6 million people in 23 countries and across 5 continents: Africa, Asia, Middle East, Latin America, and Europe. پی یو ای ام آی که در سطح جهان به نام پی یو آی شناخته میشود یک اداره غیردولتی، غیرانتفاعی، غیرسیاسی و غیر مذهبی مدد رسان بین ا لمللی میباشد. تیم های پی یو ای ام آی متعهد به حمایت و کمک جوامع و جمعیت های آسیب پذیر به انهاییکه در اإثر منازعات- حوادث طبیعی و رکود اقتصادی منزوی شده اند میباشد. هدف عمده پی یو ای ام آی کمک در کاهش مرگ و میر -کمک عاجل به اعاده و بازیابی حیثیت ووقار انهاییکه در نیاز فوری قرار دارند میباشد. ماموریت افغانستان قدیمی ترین مآموریت پی یو آی بوده و با اولین مداخله در بخش صحی در سال1979 فقط درست بعد از عبور نیروهای شوروی از مرز های کشور آغاز شد. تیم های پی یو ای ام آی در حال حاضر مراقبت های صحی ادغام یافته همراه با تغذیه حمایت روانی اجتماعی-آب-نظافت و حفظ ا لصحه واش و خدمات تردیدات یا تروما را ارایه میدارد. این اداره عمدتآ پروژه ها را در بخش شرقی کشور و بطور فزاینده در مناطق جنوب شرقی کشور از زمان شیوع کرونا در 2020 تطبیق مینماید . پی یو ای ام آی همچنین منحیث بازیگر اصلی در آمادگی و پاسخ به بیماری همه گیر – اجرای فعالیت های صحی و واش در سطح مراکز صحی و جامعه در کابل و فراتر از آن موقعیت خود را تثبیت نموده است. در سطح جهان موسسه پی یو آی در 23 مملکت جهان به 6 میلیون نفر در 5 قاره افریقا- آسیا- شرق میانه- امریکای لاتین و اروپا کمک مینماید.

Job Description

General responsibilitiesمسؤلیت های عمومی : 

  • Search Register, issued badge and Escort the visitors to the related department  

  • Inspect and patrol premises regularly and indicate finding  

  • Monitor property entrance and exit   

  • Authorize entrance of people and vehicles   

  • Report any suspicious behaviors and happenings, and person without short delay 

  • Secure all entry and exits doors and windows   

  • Monitor surveillance camera during the day and night  

  • Prevent anything which face him and colleagues to danger   

  • Identify threat and report suspicious activities or person in his area of operation  

  • Prevent asset and all valuable items from theft if so report immediately  

  • Ensure the safety of PU-AMI premises and belongings  

  • Report any security incidents or irregularity to the person in charge. 

  • Ensure that only authorized persons are allowed to entry into the PU-AMI Base  

  • Respond to alarms and react in a timely manner  

  • Provide assistance to people in need in office 

  • Report any incident seen around when he is of duty to security officer  

  • Submit report of every suspicious action against PU-AMI  

  • Follow the handover procedure check all give and take make sure all clear 

Objective 1هدف اول : 

  • Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده:  

  • It is the role of a security guard to protect people, property and information. 

  • Providing leadership and direction in emergencies and assisting emergency personnel in times of crisis, e.g. directing fire fighters to the easiest/best way to get to the scene of the fire. 

  • Controlling access to a site, including monitoring entrance & gate passage, escorting people & valuables, inspecting bags, vehicles and individuals. 

  • Controlling or restoring order to a crowd. Patrolling in the office compound every 30/60 minutes and in the case of any suspicious act. 

  • Act Fast in any critical situation to prevent miss  

  • Helping Guests and escorting them to the related department or Guest house. 

  • Adhere to the PU-AMI Policy and procedures. 

  • Knowledge of Safety Precautions  

  • Observe and Report any annoying activities or person 

Objective 2هدف دوم: 

Activities/Main dutiesفعالیت ها/ وظایف عمده: 

  • Security guard will provide security for guest house  

  • Guard will watch and observed the guest house surroundings and patrolling around every 30/60 minutes 

  • Guard is responsible to prevent any unauthorized personal entering into the guest house.  

  • Guard will check and control all entry and exit doors  

  • Guard do not enter into the guest house without permission from expats.  

  • Guard is responsible to know all necessary equipment and location in the case of emergency 

Job Requirement

Qualification/ Requirements 

At least basic education, graduates from 12 grade are preferred 

Communication (oral and written) in Dari / Pashtu and in English is beneficial 

At least 1-2 years working experience in relevant field, preferably experience of work with an NGO 

To be Afghan citizen. 

Submission Guideline

Dear candidates,  

To apply for this vacancy, please use the following link:   


If the link above does not work by clicking on it, please copy and paste it in the browser address bar.  

Make sure to press submit at the end of the application.  

Please note :  

You are allowed to apply only before the closing date  

Only the candidates who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements will be considered for the longlist  

A maximum of 15 best candidates from the ones who meet the mandatory qualifications/requirements (longlist) will be invited for a technical test (shortlist)  

If you are not invited for a technical test within a month’s period of time, please consider that your application was not considered for this vacancy  

Validated copies of academic certificates/diplomas will be requested only if called for an interview. 

Submission Email