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Field Protection Monitor Assistant
Country Afghanistan Province Herat,
Categories Program, Type Full Time
Post Date 2021-04-19 Close Date 2021-04-23
Vacancy No ARAA/2021/009 Gender Male
No Of Jobs 1 Contract Duration April-December 2021 (9 months)
Education Bachelor degree Experience 2 years
Organization Opportunities for you Salary As per the organization salary scale

About Company

About ARAA (Ansari Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan): Ansari Rehabilitation Association for Afghanistan (ARAA) is a national, non-governmental, not for profit organization, established in 1992 for serving the people of Afghanistan through its operation in sectors of agriculture/irrigation, water and sanitation, education, reintegration, social services and construction, as well it has been established to provide humanitarian supports, based on the principles of human rights, Islamic and cultural values of our country, and environmental and socio-economic sustainability to the vulnerable people of Afghanistan. In continuation of its 2021 program operational plan, ARAA is seeking for the qualified person to apply this position.

Job Description

Under the direct supervision of UNHCR protection focal points and program/ management of ARAA, the ield Protection Monitor Assistant shall;

  • Participate in protection assessment in areas of the province.
  • Conduct field mission by joining in daily IDP assessment with other agencies and find out the real IDPs.
  • Ensure high level of communication and coordination with the inter agencies and support teams.
  • Responsible for collecting all necessary documents from field.
  • Having knowledge of protection and know the Monitoring process and its tools (if deem necessary to contribute in protection monitoring).
  • Be able to work with IDPs, adapt in emergency work to visit related areas for protection of concerned.
  • Work closely with DoRR in prescreening, Monitoring, and assessment as directed by team leader.
  • Identifying PSN (person with specific need) among people of concern of UNHCR i.e.  IDPs, returnees and – in specific cases- individual from host communities.
  • Undertake mission to the areas characterized by high number of returnees/IDPs, including in the context of multi-sector emergency needs assessments that may be carried out at inter- cluster level in cases of new displacement,
  • Find the protection gaps, evaluate the impact of the assistance and draw lesson that can be useful in improving the overall intervention on protection.
  • Asses the context and current situation of Gender-Based Violence, teenage pregnancies, child labor, access to education, human rights violations, and other protection related issues, and set baseline data for these within ARAA
  • Facilitate Community Action Planning workshops (when necessary)
  • Mobilize and organize Community Based Protection Committees
  • In conjunction with the Protection Committees, identify and document human rights violations, refer cases to the program officer/reporting officer and provide regular follow-up on each case 
  • Perform related duties in professional manner as required and guided through the provincial team leader.

Job Requirement

  • Bachelor Degree
  • Minimum two years of relevant working experience in UN, INGO or NGO.
  • Having strong communication skills and knowledge of community.
  • Ability to write and verbally communicate clearly and concisely in English, Dari and Pashto.
  • Well-developed interpersonal and team skills and proven ability to be flexible in demanding situations.
  • Ability and willingness to travel to IDP areas (remote and unsecure areas) at short notice during the working hours.
  • Ability to understand protection and analyze the situation of IDPs in Good English Writing, knowing Pashto is an asset.
  • Respect the organizational culture, commitment to Code of Conduct.
  • Ability to work both independently and in a team environment.
  • Strong interpersonal skills and ability to establish good communication.
  • Having knowledge of protection, protection mainstreaming, GBV, Child/ women protection, PSEA and code of conduct.

Submission Guideline

Please submit your CV and cover letter to hr@hrt.araa.org.af and clearly write the vacancy number and job title in the subject line. Correspondents without a subject line will not be entertained and only shortlisted candidates will be contact.


Please also note that:

  • Only shortlisted persons will be asked for interview.
  • The ARAA retains the full right to cancel or amend this announcement and associated actions.
  • In case you did not hear from our side latest after two weeks, it means that your application is not considered for the position.
  • Failure to provide the required documentation or submission beyond the closing date will result of applicant rejection from further consideration.
  • Due to shortage of time and urgency of the project (which is running now), the vacancy will be on the website for 4-5 days and after the completion of the procedure, the selected candidate shall be present in his job within 2-3 days.

Submission Email