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Finance and Grants Officer
Country Afghanistan Province Badakhshan, Farah, Ghazni, Ghowr, Helmand, Jowzjan, Logar, Nimruz, Paktika, Parwan,
Categories Finance, Type Full Time
Post Date 2021-03-17 Close Date 2021-03-31
Vacancy No IDLG-HR/CCAP 006 Gender male female
No Of Jobs 9 Contract Duration 1 Year Extendable
Education Bachelor Degree Experience Minimum 4 years in Related field
Organization Opportunities for you Salary As Per NTA Policy (Grade - D)

About Company

About IDLG: IDLG was established on 30 August 2007 by Presidential decree, transferring the responsibilities of the Civil Administration division of the Ministry of the Interior to a new independent directorate. The Presidential decree also transferred the responsibility for supporting Provincial Councils to IDLG, creating a single structure responsible for sub‐national governance in Afghanistan. IDLG, therefore, has direct management responsibility of Tashkeel staff working in sub‐national governance institutions such as Provincial and District Governors’ Offices, Provincial and District Municipalities, and Provincial Councils (PCs). IDLG’s vision is to make a difference in the lives of Afghan citizens by providing them good governance. IDLG’s mission is consolidating peace and stability, achieving development andequitable economic growth and achieving improvements in service delivery through just,democratic processes and institutions of good governance at sub‐national level. IDLG’s Mandate: Improving sub‐national governance in order to achieve stability, security and development Providing good governance at sub‐national level Establishing and strengthening government institutions at sub‐national level Ensuring public participation in decision making IDLG has four functions, as follows: Policy Development: Development of sub‐national governance policy and revision of laws, regulations and rules of procedure in line with this policy Institutional Development: Provision of organizational strengthening, capacity building and support to sub‐national governance institutions Broader Governance: Support for the participation of stakeholders and citizens in subnational governance processes Support: Facilitating the delivery of national programs and initiatives through subnational governance institutions About Citizens’ Charter National Priority Program (CCNPP) The Citizens’ Charter is an inter-ministerial, multi-sectorial NPP, where Ministries have collaborated to provide basic services to urban and rural communities. The key service delivery ministries and independent directorate involved are: Independent Directorate of Local Governance (IDLG), Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development (MRRD), Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and Ministry of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock (MAIL), with oversight by Ministry of Finance (MoF). MRRD has a key role and will be responsible for infrastructural development and strengthening CDCs and Cluster CDCs. The Community Development Councils (CDCs) will be linked to sub-national government to improve communication and coordination from the community to the district, provincial and national levels - increasing Government visibility and accountability. The Citizens’ Charter is an important foundation for the Government’s reform agenda, contributing to a number of priority areas including Ensuring Citizens’ Development Rights; Building Better Governance; Reforming Development Planning & Management, and Developing Partnerships. The Citizens’ Charter intends to improve service delivery by ensuring minimum service standards, provide greater responsiveness by the Government to the people and increase the level of public satisfaction with services. The urban CC coverage by IDLG includes 850 communities and 170 gozars in the 4 main cities of Herat, Mazar, Kandahar, and Jalalabad. Urban CC aims to improve infrastructure, services, and emergency support to communities, via their elected Community Development Councils (CDCs) and Gozar Assemblies (GAs). Urban CC sub-projects include sectors for transportation, water supply, power, urban development such as waste/ garbage disposal and sanitation, parks, women’s economic empowerment projects, etc.

Job Description


  • Prepare periodic cash forecasts and in coordination with the PMU Head and submit fund request to PIU Finance Unit.
  • Responsible for maintaining books of accounts and expenditure documents and make sure that the books of accounts are maintained according to program financial/accounting procedures and guidelines.
  • Ensures all financial transactions are properly supported and documented.
  • Perform regular cash count and properly file the cash count report.
  • Keep updated lists for all outstanding dues utility bills (phone, internet, Gas, Fuel and other payables).
  • Ensure that all vouchers and receipts are accurately filed stamped & recorded in books/ system.
  • Assists and ensure that all financial transactions are in compliance with financial procurements and accounting policies.
  • Keep maintain and ensure the security of financial records and backup documentation ready for internal and external audits.
  • Assist PIU FM team in checking sub-awardees invoices and supporting documents.
  • File up and maintain PMU level expenditure documents in a proper manner.
  • Facilitate external and internal audit reviews.       


  • Ensures CDCs/GAs grants are utilized as per CCAP block grants mechanism in the field.
  • Check and review block grants disbursement requests and documents at PMU for payment installments and certify that the requirements are fulfilled prior to its uploading into the system.
  • File up CDCs/GAs bank statements, withdrawals forms, cheques, bank slips and all relevant documents that certify CDCs/GAs fund withdrawals and utilization in the field.
  • Keep a record of CDCs/GAs grants transactions (receipts, withdrawals, expenditure, held in cash and outstanding’s) at PMU office 
  • Monitor CDCs/GAs accounting process, records, procurement procedure to make sure that the processes and records are in line with CCAP policy guidelines
  • Conduct field visit to review and ensure that communities utilize the funds in adherence to the program financial management procedures and guidelines and the records, documentation are maintained in a proper manner.
  • Provide feedback and comments on grants disbursement and expenditure documents
  • Review and check CDCs/GAs Financial History Forms prior to submitting to MIS.
  • Share block grants information with PMU and PIU any time required.
  • Report grants relevant major issues and deviations to PMU head and PIU
  • Perform any other tasks that support the overall program, as assigned by the supervisor or his/her designee.

Job Requirement

Education: Bachelor's degree (Master Preferred).
Experience: At least 4 years experience in the related field with Government, National, and International Organization.
Computer: Excellent understanding and usage of MS Office packages.
Languages: Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and Dari/Pashto.

Submission Guideline

Qualified Afghan applicants are encouraged to submit their resumes with a detailed application letter including a contact number or address. Please submit your applications electronically to

 <a href="http://jobs.ccap-mis.com/">jobs.ccap-mis.com</a>

The HR Department will not entertain telephone inquiries.

Please specify the vacancy number along with the title of the position and location in the subject line of your email or else your application will not be considered.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for a written test.

The Citizens’ Charter/EZ-Kar/REACH is committed to ensuring a fully transparent and meritocratic recruitment process for all program and Tashkeel positions in its purview. CVs, written tests, and interviews are reviewed by a multi-ministerial committee, including IDLG, MRRD, and the Ministry of Finance. The World Bank has final signing authority on all appointments. Checks and balances have been put in place to prevent any potential for nepotism, discrimination, or favoritism. Any attempts to influence the requirement process will result in the immediate disqualification of the candidate

The IDLG DMM CCAP/EZ-KAR PIU strongly encourages woman candidates to apply. It applies a pro-active and positive discrimination policy towards woman

candidates as follows:

(a) Women candidates with slightly lower than the stated required educational qualifications will also be considered.

(b) If the difference in the written test and/or interview scores between the male and female highest-scoring candidates is less than or up to 5 out of 100 total

points (or a difference of up to 10%), the woman candidate will be offered the position (even where she scored the lesser points).

(c) If offered this position, the woman position holder will be allowed an adult male or female relative as a maharram for official travel, if/when required.

(d) The IDLG and it's CCAP/EZ-Kar PIU will promote a women-friendly environment with clear anti-harassment policies enforced.

Submission Email