Sadat Company

Categories : Industrial

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Sadat is one of the Iraqi distribution companies, established in 2013. The main office located in Slemani city north of Iraq and another office in Kirkuk. It covers both Kirkuk and Slemani in terms of distribution, also it is working and trading with all of the other KRG and Iraqi cities.
Sadat is owned by (Barzan Said Mohammed), he has 15+ years’ experience in this filed. Sadat is working with a lot of international brands producing from Germany, Bulgaria, Ukraine, UAE, SA, Turkey, and some local brands as well.

Our Goals

The area of Sadat’s work is distributing these goods (cleaning, paperwork, personal care, and foods). Our goal is to have a healthy trading business and provide job opportunities for the community. Also to provide a good quality product to our customers and we will work on expanding our business to reach a globally famous brand and work with them.

Contact Details

Phone: +964 (0)770 155 7445 / +964 (0)770 641 5959
Address: Slemani Malik mahmood Street (60 Mtr) Industerial area, Herat, Afghanistan